retreat, I never went back on a medication!! I went to
my doctor for a surgery that was already scheduled, and was
told it was no longer needed!!"
Marcia in Secret Retreat Info Course (7/14/07)
Marcia volunteered
to come from Maui to Honolulu to share her great experiences with
participants of Free Qigong Seminar on July 14, 07. She
took Special Ability Rejuvenation 3.2D Retreat with
Grandmaster Qin in January 2007. According to her retreat registration
form, she had depression triggered by menopause, overweight and other
challenging health problems.
In her own words:
day in Jan 07 Retreat |
14, 07 in Info Course |
I thought the retreat was expensive because I don't have a whole lot of
money. But I was just like at the end of my road, and nothing has
worked for me, even I had done yoga for a long time.
After retreat, I never went back on a medication!! I went to
my doctor for a surgery that was already scheduled, and was told
it was no longer needed!!
really proved that Qinway is for real. I experienced my body that I did
not think was possible. My body just feels so clean that I cannot describe
it to you..." -- Macia (Maui, Hawaii)
* Special Remark: We
really appreciate Marcia's great virtue of sharing her inspiring
story. We hope everyone can quickly regain health, become medicine
free through powerful natural healing techniques, and "dont' need surgery"
just like Marcia. -- Thanks, Marcia, and best wishes & with great
virtue energy!